Saturday, September 22, 2012

Leviathan DLC

Spoilers Follow:  Don’t read or watch the video if you don’t want to know.

The new Leviathan content is available for down load for your playing pleasure.  On the MicroSoft XBOX you can purchase it for 800 MS points which is ten dollars I believe.  So if you haven’t, go ahead and drop ten large for this additional content.

Leviathan is a nice little side mission.  It was a bit strange for me because my Commander Shepard didn’t make it at the end of Mass Effect 3 and then he pops up for a mission like nothing has happened. See my previous post, "Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC Ending," and video about the Extended Cut ending. But I got over Shepard's resurrection real quick as Leviathan provides you with more playing time with Commander Shepard and your other Mass Effect friends.

Find Hackett's email.
I guess the first thing you need to know is how to access Leviathan.  Once you’ve downloaded the content go to the menu and load a previous saved game.   It doesn’t matter which one or where in the game's timeline you choose.  I happened to choose a save game towards the end of Mass Effect 3.  So it gave me a chance to easily do the ending over again and pick another ending option, purely coincidental; just a little benefit for picking a save game towards the end of the game.
Go to Dr. Bryson's lab.
Check your email and you’ll have a “Urgent message from Admiral Hackett” directing you to meet up with Dr. Bryson.  Then go to Citadel and select Dr. Bryson’s Lab and you’re off on the new mission.

You’ll spend a short amount of time talking to Dr. Bryson when he is killed in front of you.  Because Dr. Bryson didn’t really explain anything of importance it’s up to you to search his lab for the clues to what he was working on, what Leviathan is and where to find it.  After you pull the pieces together you’re off to find Leviathan.  To complicate things Leviathan doesn’t want to be found.  The clues you find send you on a mass relay hopping chase around the galaxy to beat the Reapers to Leviathan. Along the way you’ll meet Dr. Bryson’s daughter, fight Reapers and piece the Leviathan puzzle together. 

Finally you get to pilot a Triton which is essentially the same thing as an Atlas.  You get to shoot some Reapers instead of having an Atlas/Trition shooting at you for a change.  It turns out that Leviathan is long lived race.  And they where the race that created the Reapers.  At some point the Reapers turned against the Leviathan’s and made them the first harvest.  So the Reapers look like the Leviathans.  There aren’t many Leviathan’s left and they essentially lay low and watch the Reaper cycle occur over and over again.

Will you be able to bring the Leviathan’s into the galactic fight against the Reapers?

Commander Shepard finds more than one Leviathan.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC Ending

Well it’s been a long busy summer.  I finally played the new DLC Mass Effect 3 ending; Extended Cut.  So here it goes.

I will not wax and wane philosophically about the meaning of the different endings, if any, or how that relates to us in our daily life.

I liked the new ending and I’m appreciative that EA/Bioware recognized the angst the original endings created in the Mass Effect community and took positive action to address the player’s and fan’s concerns and feelings.  I also want to thank everyone who emailed, tweeted, facebooked, youtubed and used other social media outlets or old school letters to complain and make their feelings known to EA/Bioware.

There is an old saying that goes something like “One awe-shit erases ten that-a-boys.”

That is exactly what happened to EA/Bioware with the original Mass Effect 3 endings.  For all the acclaim and good will Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 generated from the story lines, characters, voice acting, graphics/animation, combat system and the immerse universe EA/Bioware created; they squandered it all away or some might say they flushed it down the toilet with the most horrific endings ever conceived.  The original endings where ill-conceived and just plain lame.

Spoiler Alert:  The video shows one of the possible endings of Mass Effect 3.

When you consider that on average most players spent about 30 hours to complete each game in the series, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect, about 90 hours of total playing time they deserved an ending that closed out Commander Shepard’s story and the multiple story arch’s with characters that we came to like and invested our time in.  Players also deserved the unique endings promised in that our decisions in Mass Effect affected the outcomes resulting in a different play through for each individual player.  Did you kill Wrex, save the Rachni Queen or side with Miranda or Jack?

The original Mass Effect 3 ending were so bad I didn’t even know if Commander Shepard lived or died.  The new Extended Cut endings resolved many of those issues.  I know what happened to Commander Shepard.  I know what happened to characters I had come to like, to races, civilizations, the Reapers and even the Mass Relays.  So the new ending provided for me the closure of Commander Shepard’s story that was missing in the original endings.

I personally thought it was sad because some of my favorite characters didn’t live.  But as I said in a previous post, a sad ending is ok, we see that all the time in movies, books and television.  An ending that isn’t an ending isn’t ok.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Is Over

Ok summer is over it is time to do some new Mass Effect posts.  I've mainly been playing Mass Effect Multi-player the last couple months.  I like the new maps, characters and weapons that have been added.

However there are many things to talk about such as the new DLC ending and Leviathan to name a couple.

Also need to do another ME3 play through this time as a FemShep.

So I'll do some playing and some posting in the near future.