Like most people I have a couple favorite assault rifles
that I habitually use; the Harrier, Collector Rifle and Saber. Doing the Assault Rifle Mastery Challenge
forced me to use assault rifles I generally don’t use anymore and some that I
never really used at all.
So here is my run down on the assault rifles I used.
Not surprisingly I thought the three best assault rifles
where the Harrier, Collector Rifle and M-99 Saber.
I used the Harrier II and yes, I have Harrier X envy. The Harrier is, I think, the best assault
rifle in the game. It is accurate, has
low recoil and does the most damage. The
main drawback of the Harrier is that it holds a low amount of ammunition, 80
and 20 in the clip and has a high rate of fire. The Harrier has a
high rate of fire so your 100 rounds go quick and you are always looking for
the nearest ammunition crate to replenish your rounds. The good news is that you can generally kill
basic enemies in less than 20 rounds.
I used the Collector Rifle IV and found it to be a close
second to the Harrier. Like the Harrier,
the Collector Rifle has a high rate of fire.
The damage on the Collector Rifle IV is about equal to the Harrier
I. A big advantage of the Collector
Rifle is that it holds three times as much ammunition so you don’t have to
desperately know where every ammunition crate is relative to your position. The Collector Rifle is accurate and has light
recoil so you can hit the target with most of shots.
I really like the Saber.
I used a Saber V for this challenge.
The Saber is like using a sniper rifle that fires quickly. The Saber is highly accurate, does damage on
the level of a sniper rifle and has light recoil. It holds a little over 40 rounds plus 8 in
the clip. Even though it has low
ammunition I never feel like I am low on ammunition like when you use the
Harrier. Two to three rounds will drop
any basic enemy. The disadvantage is the
low fire rate. While much faster than
most of the sniper rifles it is slow compared any assault rifle in the
game. Sometimes it feels like forever
when you are one shot away in a close in fight waiting for it to reload and
your biotics/shields are recharging.
Honorable Mention

The Phaeston X was much better than I remember. It was my standard for a long time. The Phaeston is another solid rifle for any map or enemy. It is accurate, has moderate kickback, does moderate damage and holds a good deal of ammunition.
This was the first time I used the M-37 Falcon in multiplayer. I must say it was pretty good. The Falcon, essentially a grenade launcher, does high damage but has low a accuracy and a low rate fire. Besides the high damage it also stuns enemies. This is great when firing into a crowd or facing something like a Geth Pyro. The stun gives you a chance to move out of range or pump in a few more shots. It’s also fun to watch the enemies hit by the Falcon. Sometimes they go flying through the air or their heads explode.
The Vindicator is one of those assault rifles I rarely use. It turned out much better than I remembered it. The Vindicator fires five-round bursts. Its accuracy is moderate and has high kickback. But the kickback is moderated by the five-round bursts. So all in all its not too bad. It does moderate damage, holds a moderate amount of ammunition and its weight is light, which is good for recharging. Generally speaking all these assault rifles are all pretty good overall.
The most fun was the M-76 Revenant X. This rifle is fun to play with if you’re not
seriously trying to outscore everyone on your team. It has a high rate of fire, sounds awesome,
good muzzle flash, holds a high amount of ammunition and does moderate
damage. It is not highly accurate and
has substantial recoil. You have to
modify the weapon or use equipment upgrades to reduce the recoil to an
acceptable level. It is ok at close
range targets but even at moderate distances it loses what little accuracy it
has. I found the Revenat to be more
accurate if you fire it in short 2-3 second bursts. The problem is it is hard to do this because
it so much fun to just hold the trigger and watch it fire.
The worst was without a doubt the Geth Pulse Rifle X. It has three positives; it is accurate, has
little recoil and holds a lot of ammunition.
The bad news is that you’ll need all that ammunition because its damage
is so low it takes forever to kill anything.
It takes an entire clip of 80 rounds to kill just the basic Cerberus
Trooper, Geth Trooper, Cannibal or Collector.
Just avoid this assault rifle. I
didn’t think I’d ever get to 100%. Then
of course I got to 99% just so that I could have one more game with this lame